SWTAFE continues through new restrictions

While Melbourne education providers are now operating under tougher Stage 4 restrictions, South West TAFE CEO Mark Fidge said the new rules for regional areas would not significantly change current operations already adjusted for COVID-19.
The main change is that VCAL must now be delivered remotely, apart from mandatory assessments that need to be delivered on-site.
VET Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) has been cancelled this week and future plans for this group will soon be confirmed by the Department of Education.
Mr Fidge said there would be little change for the majority of training provided by TAFE.
“We are already following the Department’s advice to deliver learning remotely wherever possible and ensuring all practical teaching that cannot be conducted remotely is in line with health advice, including physical distancing practices and wearing of face masks,” he said.
Most business functions will continue to be managed from home.
South West TAFE is enforcing mask wearing rules. Students must wear face coverings at all times on campus and while teachers are not required to wear coverings during course delivery, they must be worn at all other times on campus and where physical distancing cannot be maintained in class.
TAFE has also advised staff and students to stay home and isolate if unwell.