
The Reconnect Program is a Victorian Government initiative that aims to support you to overcome barriers to accessing education and training, or gaining employment. This free service is delivered by SWTAFE in Warrnambool, Portland and Hamilton.

How our Reconnect team can help you

Reconnect provides a range of support that is suited to your individual need:

  • Assessing your learning and non-learning needs and career goals, and developing an agreed learning plan.
  • Providing support services that will help eligible students start and stay in vocational training.
  • Providing one-on-one mentoring that’s tailored to the individuals needs.
  • Connecting to all student services that SWTAFE offer.
  • The program will support you over an 18-month period.

Who is eligible?

You may be eligible for support through the Reconnect program if:

  • You are aged between 17-64 years old.
  • You are not enrolled in any other education, training or course at the time of registration.
  • You are not in full-time employment.

We are here to help

To find out more please contact our friendly team.

Call: 0481 464 433